
Sample find!!

A producer that I'm following on Facebook posted the YouTube page of one of my favorite samples from Dilla and Madlib's iconic collaboration "Champion Sound" from back in 2000. Come to find out, it's a straight jack (loop) in terms of what Madlib did to the sample, but I honestly can't blame him. It sounds just THAT dope as is.

Here's the YouTube vid with the original recording:

I was gonna post the resulting song that came from this original sample but those that know, already know. I don't have to say nuf'n...


Ju-Ar, "Orange Air" LP

Some dope music coming from across the Atlantic in the form of Germany's Ju-Ar and the free release of his "Orange Air" LP with accompanying video. Check out the visuals below and get the free knock while you're at it.

Download Ju-Ar's "Orange Air" LP:

Ju-Ar - Orange Air LP from Morgen Noi on Vimeo.

Has-Lo "Utero" music video

I've become a big fan of MelloMusicGroup and it's artist roster, which includes Apollo Brown, Boog Brown, Oddisee (of course) and Diamond District, Trek Life, The Left and it's most recent lyricist/producer, Has-Lo. I kept hearing his name mentioned on the Scrunch Face podcasts but only recently heard some of his material. He is definitely my kind of writer, someone that meticulously paints vivid images with his wordplay, weaving patterns up, in and around the listeners' imagination to convey what he's ultimately trying to express. That's artistry for ya... LOL. IMO, he definitely harkens back to some of the best days in hip hop.

Check out Has-Lo's vid for "Utero" and get his album...

Purchase Has-Lo "In Case I Don't Make It":

Has-Lo "Utero" from Mello Music Group on Vimeo.


Lost another one: RIP to Nate D.O.G.G.

That voice, not much you can really say except "that voice..." LOL. Nate DOGG, popularly known for his contributions to West Coast hip hop back in the 90's, and even some contributions post-millennium; think Pharoahe Monch and Mos Def's Rawkus Records track "Oh No" which surprisingly stayed on commercial radio for a little bit. Nate had a way of making any track feel good and make us all want to sing it, whether we could or couldn't actually sing.

He had two strokes, one in '07 and another in '08 that he never fully recovered from. Speculation is out about the actual cause of death but we all pretty much know it had something to do with that. At least now, he's at rest. His family and numerous fans can celebrate and honor him.

A good friend of mine commented that it's funny that people don't really honor you until you're dead. Maybe we should all spend more time doing that while they are alive and still with us. What you think?

From MTV: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1659986/nate-dogg-dead.jhtml


Hazel, "The Lost Tapes"

Some of the dope folks that I follow heavily on Soundcloud and Facebook have been talking about this French cat named Hazel who is very talented. I Googled him and found some Youtube vids not too long ago where he's doing a live production from start to finish; beat-boxing into his sampler, looping it up, playing keys and singing. Definitely a talented young man. Per moovmnt.com, he's done some work with some big names in the industry already. At any rate, he put out a beat project recently called "The Lost Tapes" on his Bandcamp for sale. If you like talented individuals that are trying to push this artform, definitely support Hazel and get this project. And while you're at it, Google him too.

Buy Hazel's "The Lost Tapes" here:

Hazel's Youtube channel:

Oddisee feat. Toine of DTMD, "Different Now" video

Featured on MelloMusicGroup's "Helpless Dreamer" compilation, this video was filmed back sometime in November 2010 when Oddisee still had braids... just a laid back, reminisce track and the video pretty much complements that capturing the guys chillin' at local spots around DC. I def miss home... check it out.

Oddisee feat. Toine of DTMD - Different Now from Oddisee Music on Vimeo.


Knxwledge, "Mango EP"

A big fan of the Klipm0de Krew, consisting of Suzi Analogue, Mndsgn, Devonwho, Knxwledge, I'll post pretty much anything I find from any one or all of them at the same time. Their stuff is just that dope to me. I found a post about Knxwledge dropping a 4 track EP called "Mango" and without even previewing the Bandcamp tracks, I DL'ed it cuz dude is just that dope.

Download Knxwledge's, "Mango EP":

Pharoahe Monch, "Clap (One Day)" extended music video

Anybody that knows me well, knows daggone well how much I am a fan of this elite lyricist, Pharoahe Monch. It's funny cuz I can never get the placement of the 'e' correct in his name... LOL. Anyway, this is a 10 minute long, mini-move/music video for the single "Clap (One Day)" with a pretty deep storyline. Usually the one known to spoil the secret, I'll keep my mouth shut while y'all watch the video. Let it buffer up before you start watching it tho. I imagine most of y'all don't have super fast bandwidths to be letting it load while it plays; just like me... LOL.

Check it.

Pharoahe's album, W.A.R. coming soon...