
Keziah, "Keziah EP"

I've been following Philly MC/producer Hezekiah for a while now, since his album, "Hurry Up & Wait" dropped... heck, maybe even slightly before that. I think I was introduced to him by Beat Society, since he was a part of that early producer movement (what happened to that anyway?). I know he's got a new project coming out called "Conscious Porn" and has some pretty scandalous cover art (I'm not sure if it's been released yet but I will check) but the other day, his sister Keziah, who's a lyricist herself, released an EP. It features production from some of my favorite producers, her brother the aforementioned Hezekiah, DMV's Oddisee and Jersey's !llmind as well as Street Orchestra and J. Fish. 7 tracks deep, the project is short, sweet and to the point... well, the whole sweet thing is up for question cuz she hits those bars pretty hard. Definitely not a lyricist to be slept on, Keziah can hold her own on the mic. The return of female MC's is definitely upon us and I hope the industry is taking notice. There are a slew of female MC's that aren't hypersexualized models vying for attention, just sensible Masters of the Ceremony in their own right. Hey, I'm all for it. Balance it out. Set the trend. Keep it moving.

Download Keziah's "Keziah EP":

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